
All India Sugar Trade Association,
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Sugar price weakens further

Sugar price weakens further

Sugar prices weaken further on Wednesday . Mills sold commodity 20 lower previous day evening kept Vashi market under pressure today. On BSMA prices declined by 15- 20. Naka rates were down by 15. Sour Inventory at Vashi remains stable at 115-120 truck loads. Arrivals at Vashi was about 62 truck loads and local dispatches were at 59-60 truck loads. On Tuesday evening about 18 mills sold merely 34,000-35,000 bags at 2,940 – 3,030 for S-grade and 3,030 – 3,140 for M-grade. On Bombay Sugar Merchants Association’s spot rates were:(in ) S-grade3,116 – 3,202 and M-grade 3,186 – 3,400. Naka delivery rates were: S-grade 3,055– 3,125 and M-grade 3,115 – 3,235.

Source: thehindubusinessline-Published on 2018-03-14