
All India Sugar Trade Association,
3rd Floor, South Delhi House, 12, zumrutpur Community Center, New Delhi-110048



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Selling pressure drags sugar

Selling pressure drags sugar

Sugar prices continued to decline on back of selling pressure from producers. Prices at Vashi dropped further by₹30-40 a quintal in line with lower prices at naka level. At mill level prices declined by ₹20-30. As new arrivals started and mills were keen to ease their old stocks, the undercurrent of the market remained weak. Arrivals at Vashi market were 58-60 truck loads and local dispatches were at 59- 60 truck loads. Freight rates were steady. The Bombay Sugar Merchants Association’s spot rates: (in ₹) S-grade 3,550-3,652 and M-grade 3,640-3,852. Naka delivery rates: (in ₹) S-grade 3,525-3,625 and M-grade ₹3,570-3,625.

Source: thehindubusinessline;Published on 2017-11-20