
All India Sugar Trade Association,
3rd Floor, South Delhi House, 12, zumrutpur Community Center, New Delhi-110048



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Co 205 sugarcane variety turns 100

The symposium is to commemorate the 100th year of release of Co 205, the first inter-specific commercial cane hybrid variety, which according to Bakshi Ram, Director, Sugarcane Breeding Institute, revolutionised cane cultivation in the country. At present, Co and Co-allied sugarcane varieties occupy more than 98 per cent of the area under cane in the country....

Range bound trade in sugar

MUMBAI: Sugar prices seems to be remained range bound / steady during pick festivals times if you see the market trend from the beginning of the month due to timely taken steps by governments like permission for imports and stock limits on producers which could make supply ease in the markets....

Sugar prices fall on higher stocks, low demand

Sugar prices weakened by Rs 35 per quintal at the wholesale market in the national capital today due to bumper stocks following increased supplies against muted demand from bulk consumers as well as retailers. Marketmen said fall in offtake by stockists and bulk consumers amid relentless supplies from mills mainly led to the fall in sweetener prices. ...