
All India Sugar Trade Association,
3rd Floor, South Delhi House, 12, zumrutpur Community Center, New Delhi-110048



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Sugar prices rule firm

Sugar prices rule firm

Sugar prices at Vashi ruled firm on back of increase in freight by₹8-10 a quintal from producing level. Shortage of trucks and higher demand for lifting commodity from sugar mills led market up. However prices at mill level remained steady with normal activities. Morale was steady said sources. Sources said as most of the old or fair quality stocks are sold over prices could see some improvement. As Arrivals at Vashi were 62 truck loads and local dispatches were at same level. Inventory at Vashi was about 115 truck loads. On Thursday evening 16 mills offered tenders and sold about 45,000 bags at ₹3,530-3,590 (₹3,530-3,590) for S-grade and ₹3,620-3,690 (₹3,620-3,690) for M-grade. On Bombay Sugar Merchants Association’s spot rates were: (in ₹) S-grade 3,672- 3,710 (3,680-3,742) and M-grade 3,752-3,942 ( 3,752-3,946). Naka delivery rates were: (in ₹)S-grade 3,660 – 3,710 (3,650 –3,700) and M-grade3,740 – 3,810 ( 3,730 – 3,800).

Source:The Hindu Business Line;Published on 06/10/2017